
How To Remove Chair Rail

When we moved into our dwelling house there was a chair track in EVERY room. I'g non even exaggerating. The living room, the dining room, all bedrooms, the family room, kitchen and even the bathrooms!

I don't mind chair rails, but in every room is a bit excessive. I have slowly been removing them every bit I see fit when I repaint a room. I removed it from our family room and my daughter's plant nursery and at present we are in my son's room.

I consider myself a petty bit of a pro on taking off a chair rails. I used to just wing it and so I would end up with more damage than I hoped. So hither are my tricks and steps to taking off a chair rail with minimal harm!

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How to Remove a Chair Rails

The first thing yous must exercise for minimal harm. Using a utility knife, go along the top and the bottom of the chair rail to cut any caulk and any wood that is stuck to the paint on the wall. Leaving y'all with less peeling of sheetrock layers.

How to remove a chair rail

Then using a sturdy putty knife gently wedge it behind the chair rail preferably where at that place is a nail or close to it. Using a screwdriver or, anything else to pry information technology off, put the screwdriver on the putty knife using that every bit a block. If you lot didn't use the putty pocketknife and but started to pry it off you would leave more dents or even holes in the wall from the screwdriver.

Move along the rest of the chair rail prying it off. Hopefully it will come up off easy with little damage.

How to remove a chair rail

Sometimes y'all might have a spot the peels, that's okay you accept to fill in the smash holes anyway the peeling will be an easy set if it'southward small-scale.

I and so kickoff the layering of spackling paste, I like Dap Dry Dex because information technology goes on Pinkish and turns white when information technology's dry out, going over the holes and any spots that need to exist repaired. Work in thin layers sanding in betwixt and add layers as needed.

How to remove a chair rail

Once the last glaze is dry requite information technology a final sanding. I like to apply sanding sponges. They are easy to hold and work actually well.

Once polish, you NEED to prime. You should always prime new sheetrock and sparkle. If you don't prime number it will suck in the paint and create splotchiness.

My whole trick is using the putty knife to protect the the wall and I pry off the chair track. Before I would not use annihilation and I would go out big holes in the wall from my screwdriver or hammer working the chair rail off!

If you don't have a putty knife to utilise equally leverage, you tin too use a felt pad on the back of a hammer to prevent scraping/denting the wall when prying the chair rails off.

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